If you know me a little bit, you will know that I like running and I have been running for several years. I don’t run as much but every time I have opportunity, I do.
According to health eNews, “running outside will help you burn 7% more calories than running on the treadmill. This distinguishing feature of outdoor running has everything to do with the wind resistance and varying inclines. These factors make your workout just that much harder, even when running the same distance. (Health eNews staff, 2022).
Another reason I like to run outside rather than on the treadmill it’s because I get bored running on the treadmill. It seems to me that time just goes slower. I feel like my legs hurt more without really going that much further. Maybe it’s because I love running outside and I just cannot get used to running inside.
It’s the best feeling to be able to run and push yourself to run 2 miles but then you push further and run three. I don’t think there’s anything more satisfying than crashing your own on record. According to an article from runnersworld.com, running outside helps you because you don’t have to run in a strictly linear pattern. Think about dodging people on the sidewalk or hopping all the curbs. If you’re only running inside, certain muscles could become weak and deconditioned, which set you up for injury when you do get back to running outside or worse you can suffer an injury for overworking a muscle or bone in the same predictable pattern.
With all of that said, you have to ensure you protect yourself from the elements so a good pair of leggings will always help, also you will need a good sports bra… you know, one that’s not going to let your girls bounce everywhere and sunblock protection during the summer (Anything UPF 30 and over). Make sure your clothes are UPF 30 and above to protect you from the sun as well. But also wear moisture wicking products during winter, your sweat may freeze, and you may get a higher chance of getting frostbite. According to Health Partners, “Your base layer should be snug, a moisture wicking fabric – not cotton.”